Frequently asked questions

Here you can check the frequently questions in the anonymous reporting channel of Areas

Can I report a fraudulent or negligent management by a colleague or superior?

Yes. This channel is provided to be able to file a complaint in the event that you are a witness or connoisseur of punishable actions in the field of work functions that affect both your rights and those of the company and its collaborators.

Can I report a work situation if I do not belong to the company?

Yes. The channel is open to both employees and outsiders who have business relationships with the group. However, in the case of user complaints at points of sale, there are other channels open to the public to present such complaints.

Can gifts and / or invitations be offered / accepted?

The delivery and / or acceptance of gifts or invitations in relation to third parties is governed by the gifts and invitations policy. It requires filling in a form and prior validation by the immediate supervisor and the compliance officer, depending on the quantities. Indeed, it is important to respect the internal integrity policy, but also that of the clients

Is anonymity guaranteed in the complaint?

In the complaint process you will be able to decide whether or not to provide the contact information. If you decide not to, you will need to establish your own follow-up through the complaints channel to see progress and resolution. The channel is independent of the company and does not record information about the IP from where it connects.

Is there an ethical code in which to review reportable behaviors?

Yes. You can review the code of ethics on the corporate website.

What types of crimes can I report?

Those criminal offenses established both in the Spanish Penal Code and in regulations of other countries in which AREAS operates, which are carried out by a legal representative or employee, for the direct or indirect benefit of AREAS. Such as: “against personal and family privacy, fraud, punishable insolvencies, computer damage, intellectual property, company secrets, misleading advertising, corruption, money laundering, fraud against public administrations, accounting falsehoods, etc."